Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Democratic Albatross

I teach a group of young people who are a mixed bag of intentions.  Some are really nice but there is another group who pretend to be nice or more accurately, are nice because of the social advantages it heaps on them.  They are ticking boxes that will ensure their success – good grades, positive relationships with teachers and a healthy amount of extracurricular activities and volunteerism.  I’m reminded of those students when I see and hear Hillary Rodham Clinton.  She is one of the most well-known and visible Democratic and ipso facto the favorite for the Democratic nominee.  It is just one of the many reasons why she should not occupy the White House.

Her popularity, to be frank, has always been a bit puzzling to me.  Every time I see her interacting with the hoi polloi, it always seems contrived and forced.  There are certainly politicians who have a genuine connection with those they represent but not Hillary Rodham Clinton.  With the former secretary, perception does not match up with reality.  She is a feminist poster child who nevertheless stood by a serial Lothario.  She is a self-proclaimed and noted hawk whose time as Secretary of State was marked by inaction and the proliferation of terrorism and territorial ambitions.  She has blasted Republicans in the past for improprieties while she is currently embroiled in a series of illegalities that would derail most candidacies. 

In launching her 2016 bid, her campaign began with a video that included every ethnic group and disadvantaged persona that one could incorporate.  So blatant was her attempt at inclusiveness, it came across has calculated and cynical.  Then, there is the baggage of the name.  Had her husband not been an unabashed cavorter, Bill Clinton’s time in office would have been seen as the most successful Democratic presidential term since Franklin D. Roosevelt.  As it is, the former president has been marginalized and pushed to the peripheral by every significant Democrat (read, candidate) since 2000.  Ms. Clinton now stands as a continuation of that legacy and Democrats must be scratching their heads, wishing for someone else.

Are there other Democrats out there that could legitimately challenge Ms. Clinton?  The former Maryland governor Martin O’Mally has expressed interest in the brass ring.  The hunky former governor certainly looks like presidential material but he’s received very little attention.  There is always Vice President Biden but there cannot be anyone in the Democratic Party that takes that candidacy seriously.  A serious candidate could be former Virginia Senator Jim Webb who has the backstory (former Marine officer turned politician and diplomat) and the toughness that could challenge Ms. Clinton.  However, in the end, only the former First Lady is being discussed and covered…ad nauseam. 

So, as she sets out on her “common folks” tour, her lack of the common touch grows daily.  Yet, she is still the presumptive favorite and will be talked about and exalted on a daily basis in the press.  In short, she is not going anywhere – hopefully, that prediction extends to the White House.  The Republicans have a great chance to make a powerful case against the former First Lady.  I hope they are disciplined enough to make it.

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