Friday, October 4, 2013

Once More unto the Breach, Dear Friends

Shades of 1995 loom large as the congressional Republicans and a Democratic president face off over a question of the budget that has led to a government shutdown.  There must be a large institutional memory among both parties regarding how the last showdown turned out.  However, it is difficult to see this without conceding the Democrats refusal to negotiate.  It is a trend that began when the health care law was passed without a discussion or debate.  The House Republicans are trying to have some conversation about spending and debt but the Democrats, particularly in the Senate, refuse.  The Democrats are not seeking a solution. 

One of the Democratic talking points is that the Republicans are willing to hurt the average American by shutting down the government.  Meanwhile, the president has made a mantra, in between the ad hominem attacks, that he is willing to negotiate.  It has not been the experience of the congressional Republicans that the president is open to discussion.  If anything, the president is doubling-down on the rhetoric against his “ideologue” Republican opponents.  In addition to the president’s talking points, and much like what happened during the sequestration fiasco, the Democrats are seeking to make things as horrible as possible for the average American in order to convince the public the Republicans are irrational and mad.  Some newspapers took the administration to task earlier this year with regards to the disproportionate “pain” the Americans felt – particularly with the FAA, whose across-the-board minimal budget cuts (4%) turned into a delay of nearly half of all flights, according to the Wall Street Journal.     

Now, open air monuments are shut and privately funded parts of the National Park Service are ordered to close their doors.  Stern-faced administrative officials have hit the talk shows and issued flight safety warnings and national security concerns.  God forbid there should be a terrorist attack.  The administration will blame the Republicans.  Meanwhile, the non-ideologue president says he is willing to do anything to bring the government back into operation.  However, his Democratic compatriots view as outrageous the Republican effort to fund essential services of the government.  This led to a horribly unfortunate comment by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), where he incredulously asked why he would want to save a child with cancer (by agreeing to Republican efforts).  If you are dumbfounded, join the crowd; so were the reporters at the scene. 

I’m not sure it was the best idea to tie the question of public funding with the Affordable Care
Act by leveraging a possible shutdown of the government.  However, the dye is cast and the only way the Republicans can salvage the situation is if they can get some reduction in government spending or the national debt.  However, what began as a blunder by congressional Republicans is quickly becoming a telling moment for the president and the Democrats.  It should be known that my lovely bride is currently “enjoying” an unpaid vacation due to the shutdown.  My thoughts on the matter are not capricious rants.  However, if the Republicans can make some progress, it might be worth it.  The American people will see this and the nay-sayers who cast doubt about the Republican chances in 2014 might be overstating their point. 

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