Friday, July 22, 2011

Introduction and Guidelines

My name is Ross and this is my blog. I'm torn by the very notion of this forum. One, someone creating a blog is doing so under the assumption that others might care what they think. I'm under no illusions that people are clamoring to hear my thoughts on anything. Two, I do not feel that, through technology, this is the best way to discuss matters of importance. Not all of the blog entries will be "of importance" but when I choose to do so, direct, face-to-face communication is the best form of dialogue. I would like this blog to foster just that kind of dialogue. I want to know that somewhere, people are sitting down, away from the trappings of modern-life and are discussing, analyzing, speculating or simply musing on the important and not so important events, people and ideas of the today.

The blog entries will cover a litany of things, based on what is interesting to me. It will be updated with a new blog every Friday. There is no agenda, occasionally a bias and a fervent hope that people continue the conversation in the real world. The blog will be written with a measure of respect. Therefore, all responses to blogs (should there be any) should carry the same level of respect. Any reference to a person in the public eye should be as Mr. or Ms. and a public official should always be referred to by their title and last name. The president of the United States will never be referred to as simply "Obama." He is "President Obama" or "the president." All former officials will also be known by their former title, such as "President Bush" or "former Senator Bob Kerrey

If there is to be a conversation on matters of importance, it needs to be done with respect. An argument is not against a person but rather an idea. The objections held by the readers should be expressed with that in mind. I find irritating the level of informality, disrespect and rancor in our public discourse and if we are to ever achieve more, it must begin somewhere. I shall begin here. If you object to the guidelines of this blog, go in peace. You are not welcomed here but there are plenty of other places who will allow you to indulge in your preferred form of communication.

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